Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Stumbling in the Dark & Bumping into Scary Things

One Soul Sister's journey through a black hole:

lolagmoriguchi said...
Extreme senselessness has knocked against my door in the past as well. But now I am able to recognize the sound of its footsteps and can deviate from its pathway, as fast and as clean as the roadrunner. But it takes skill and its takes compassion, both of which I needed to develop. It was after I adopted Reina and my in-laws became the biggest target of my rage. I could not control my reactions, I could not express my unhappiness or understand what was happening to my relationship with my husband and his lack of support. Around this time I started to descend and go into a downward spiral. I lost interest in my husband and started fantasizing about other men, I wanted to have an affair and thought about it constantly. I was also thinking about leaving and moving back to the states [from Japan]. It was around this time when I also discovered the "Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath. I was putting together a project for my ESL reading class on the comparison of her and Virgina Woolf. I had always heard of the Bell Jar, but had never taken a serious look. It was an absolute thrill to read something that felt as intense and of the same emotional magnitude that I was feeling. I was also horrified by her writing, but in such a tantalizing manner, I could not believe someone so young had experienced such a decent. I felt so drawn to her and realized that depression and its darkness affects us all, despite our age or background. For some reason I was also (simultaneously) reading Stephen Hawkins personal story and discovery of black holes (don't ask me why). It is one of the most interesting books if you ever have the chance to read. As I was reading about his discovery of these black holes in the universe that one can "fall into" I kept thinking of Sylvia and her fall, it was exactly what had happened to her. She had been swallowed up by one. As I was thinking of this I imagined myself on a very important talk show with Mr. Hawkins who was very very interested in my questions. I asked him if one could fall into a black hole, why is it impossible to get out, as he had written about in his book. I questioned, that if there was an entrance into black holes we certainly would be able to go back out, right? His piercing blue eyes twinkled and sparked off a light illuminated by the TV camera and said, That's right Mrs. Moriguchi, but you must find it. In my own fantasy, I created the answer for myself. There is a way out of depression like black holes, but we have to find it. Unfortunately for Sylvia and Virgina they could not and suffered deeply, as there was not enough help for them. But, as you have mentioned my dearest soul sister, finding it is the biggest challenge and there are so many routes. Mine was to help myself first and find the compassion I so needed to get back to myself and my life. Once I had done that, I also stayed close to my friends and shared laughter about dying in-laws and how they aren't getting any younger, anything to ease my pain. I kept a diary and encouraged myself along with the love of my growing daughter. Her tiny feet early in the morning racing to my bedside and whipering "Mama its time to get us" is about the sweetest way to begin any day. As we all now and again stumble in the dark and bump into scary things, remembering that there is always a way out, can be our greatest relief.
September 12, 2009 6:46 AM


  1. Gayle,

    Thank you for sharing your struggle and mental strategies for finding your way out of black holes. It reminds me of the bibilical quote..."though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me." Too often, in modern times, we feel isolate, without our village or tribe of soul sisters to shine a light on those dark valleys. Woman were designed to function in communion with others, but the unrealistic number of tasks that we are expected to juggle, keep us scurrying around short on time for the soul sister community and support that we truly need. On top of this we often work within organizational and cultural structures that go against our nuturing natures. Capitalism breeds competition and aggression. Power, conquest and domination have long been pillars upon which societies and nations have build thier economic security. Oh, I feel a new blog posting coming. Stay tuned and stand tall sister. I love you.
