Monday, September 28, 2009

Are Women Becoming Unhappieor

While driving to work the other day I happened upon KQED's Forum radio talk show and the topic just happened to be titled "Are Women Becoming Unhappier?" I only caught a 7 minute segment, but later in the day my neighbor, Jordana, told me she too caught a piece of it on her way somewhere and suggested I find the entire podcast online. So I did.

Hopefully this link will take you right there.

If not try this. Go to:

Once you are there find the calendar titled Episodes by Date and click on September 24th, then click on the title: Are Women Becoming Unhappier

I'd love to dialogue about it with other soul sisters. I'll wait a day or two before I post my thoughts in hopes that you have a chance to listen. I downloaded it to my iPod and took a walk in Madrone Canyon with Cooper. It's about 30 minutes long or 1.25 miles long or roughly seventeen trail markers (piss stops) long, for your average dog. I was able to really concentrate because Cooper is not really your average dog, he is so handsome and such a gentleman. He never interupts and is always, always thrilled to walk anywhere with me no matter what time of day or year. In fact, it just might be that if most woman could take a walk each day with a dog like Cooper, they would probably be much happier. He's available to borrow, anytime.


  1. Hello ladies! I've been listening from the beginning and taking it all in. I'd like to offer a compass point of inspiration as a first start. It is from Edith Wharton, "A Backward Glance" --..."In spite of illness, in spite even of the archenemy sorrow, one can remain alive long past the usual date of disintegration if one is unaftaid of change, insatiable in intellectual curiosity, interested in big things, and happy in small ways." So my Soul Sisters -- 'Bien faire et laisser dire...' (I think it means 'Do well and let them talk!"

  2. Stephania,

    I love, love love it!!! I soooooooooooo agree with Edith, so much so that I want to make this The Second Act vision statement. Being an avid reader, as you are, really pays off because gold nuggets of truth are discovered. The right arrangment of words, spoken in style and diction so concise and beautiful are heard first in the heart. Maybe it's only a fraction of a millisecond later that our mental synapses fire up electrical bolts of recognition - like a card game of concentration - matching one universal truth to another, gathering up our loose thoughts into one overwhelming moment of complete agreement, we burst out YES!!! Mind, Body, Soul.

    I will post your comment in a few days so that it will not be missed.
