Sunday, September 6, 2009

To Blog or Not to Blog

Answer or ignore the nagging impulse to write down fleeting thoughts...that is the question.

Once quick to dismiss an insistant nag, I find her oddly attractive in the second act. In fact, I'm downright enamored by her veiled optimism. Because of this, I believe she lingers longer on the side lines of daily life, waiting for me to dance with her, to paint her portrait, to sing her praises. For years I wrote her off as an imposter, a silly nuisance. She almost turned to dust on me, her ghost white cape to the wind, she almost blew away in pieces.

It's the second act now, that brings me in earshot of her whispering wisdom. "Take your tangled words and weave them into stories. Untie your knotted heart and smooth the way for another. Hold me up on center stage for I am creativity, born to perform and proliferate. Deliver me, therefore, upon a starch white page."

This then is my answer to my inner nag. Welcome to The Second Act Blog.


  1. Dear Soulsisters, amazed that I actually am able to finally post my comments after a hellish time trying to join, yipeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Am honored to be apart of this fantastic circle and will stayed commited to ya all out there!! What a fantastic idea sister Marilyn and let's give a huge Yahooooooooo for this start up. There should always be a place where one can go and write or vent or scream or just respond and talk peacefully or artfully to another. We desperately need this time and space.

  2. Lola Gayle,

    I love you for the rich, creative spirit that you have always been for as long as I have known you...and I've known you a long, long time. I can always count on you for any and everything creative. Thank you for embracing The Second Act. We'll work out the technical details. I still don't know how to do everything, but I'm plowing forward, sister, with that dog determination from growing up Lindsay!
